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*Important Information* Election of Parent Nominees to the Board of Management

2nd October 2015 | What's New

Election of Parent Nominees to the Board of Management

To facilitate the process of electing Parent Nominees to the Board of Management, CPSMA has prepared a series of template letters that may be used at the different stages of Appendix B procedures, Options 1 and 2.

Click Here to view the template letters  

Please note that the procedures refer to the “parents of children enrolled in the school”. Schools are advised to communicate with parents, who receive general school communications, based on information furnished at enrolment (or updated thereafter).

Schools are also advised to communicate separately with Guardians who normally receive separate documentation.

It is not the role of the school to seek clarification on marital status – the procedures make no reference to whether parents are married or unmarried.

Please contact the office for advice on specific queries in relation to Board of Management elections, as per Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2015-2019.


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Leagan Gaeilge