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2022-2023 Staffing Arrangements Supports

27th April 2022 | News, SNA: Standard (Panel Appointment), What's New

Here you will find a range of supports relating to the 2022-23 staffing arrangements to assist schools. They include a 25 minute podcast on Circular 0025/2022, a 10 minute podcast on Contracts of Indefinite Duration (CIDs), as well as Circular itself and all related documents. Please contact us in relation to any queries at 01-6292462 or [email protected]

CPSMA Staffing Circular 0025/2022 Podcast

Podcast on Staffing Circular 0025/2022 (25 mins)

[00.00-02.42] Introduction

[02.42-07.53] Considerations for all schools

[07.53-10.36] How you might gain an additional teaching post

[10.36-12.48] Considerations relating to existing or possible CIDs

Podcast on Contracts of Indefinite Duration (CIDs) (10 mins)

[12.48-14-47] How your school might lose a permanent teaching post and what to do

[14.47-17.55] How to engage with the main panel

[17.55-19.18] The main panel has cleared and you still have a permanent/fixed-term vacancy

[19.18-23.12] How to appeal the loss of a permanent post or appeal to gain additional posts

[23.12-24.47] Principal release time posts and conclusion


2022-23 Staffing Arrangements Documentation

Circular 0025-2022 Staffing arrangements for 2022-23 school year

Circular 0025-2022 FAQs on staffing arrangements for 2022-23 school year

Circular 0020-2022 Special Education Teaching Allocations for 2022-23 school year

Circular 0026-2022 Release time for principals in primary schools for 2022-23 school year

Appendix A. Primary staffing schedule for 2022-23 school year

Appendix B. Enrolment requirements for admin principal & deputy principal status in gaelscoileanna, ordinary & gaeltacht schools

Appendix C. School special education teacher (SET) allocations

Appendix D. New SET cluster notification form for 2022-23 school year

Appendix E. Application form for permanent & CID holding teachers to access main redeployment panel for 2022-23 school year

Appendix F(a). Staffing appeal based on exceptional accommodation difficulties

Appendix F(b). Staffing appeal based on additional enrolments in October 2021

Appendix F(c). Staffing appeal based on projected enrolment post based on additional enrolments after 30th September 2022

Appendix F(d). Staffing appeal based on English as an additional language (EAL) teaching posts

Appendix F(e). Staffing appeal based on small schools

Appendix F(f). Staffing appeal based on school losing 3 or more posts

Appendix F(g). Staffing appeal based on alleviation of pressure on class sizes in infants

Appendix G. School declaration form for existing CID holding teachers in a school

Appendix H. Application form for contract of indefinite duration (CID) for 2022-23 school year

NCSE SET Appeal guidelines 28-04-2022




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