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Allianz – Schools Getting Winter Ready

14th December 2021 | News, What's New

Message from Allianz


This time of year always brings its own challenges, including bad weather. Storm Barra has been and gone, and behind him left its fair share of damage. Depending where you are in the country you have will have felt Barra to varying degrees. One thing for sure though is that Barra isn’t the last storm or “Weather Bomb” we’ll encounter this winter. As busy as schools are right now, we’re sure the thought of dealing with damaged property and a school classroom or building that is unable to be used for a number of week is the stuff of nightmares for school leaders.


We have identified some steps that can be taken to reduce the possibility or severity of storm damage to your school. Have a look at our Getting Winter Ready video for some simple steps to follow before your well-earned Christmas break, and hopefully you’ll have a few less things to worry about over Christmas. We have even created a little checklist to help you that bit more, click here.


As always, feel free to contact your Local Allianz Rep or the Allianz School Support Team if you have any queries or need our assistance.


The run up to Christmas is always a great time in schools, and we know schools across Ireland will continue to make every effort to continue that. A big thank you & Happy Christmas from everyone in Allianz.

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