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Electricity Savings Update

17th October 2012 | News

The National Procurement Service (NPS) has advised CPSMA that unsigned contracts (issued by e-mail on June 13th 2012) to schools participating in Competition 1 are no longer being accepted by the electricity suppliers due to delay in returning signed contracts by some schools and changes in market conditions.   A number of these schools will […]Read More →

Terry is taking over the website

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fhcryrirty kjeythi3u CPSMA is taking bookings for the Energy Saving Workshops being organised by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and the Department of Education and Skills. Registration forms can be downloaded below and forwarded by e-mail to [email protected]. The deadline for returning completed registration forms is September 28th 2012. Learn to reduce your energy […]Read More →

CPSMA Guidance Note: Making Teacher Appointments

16th October 2012 | News

CPSMA has prepared a Guidance Note: Making Teacher Appointments On, Before or After the first working day in November 2012. Click on the link below to download the CPSMA guidance note.  CPSMA Guidance Note: Making Teacher Appointments On, Before or After the first working day in November 2012Read More →

Newsletter: October 2012 Edition

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The latest edition of the CPSMA Newsletter has been posted  to schools.  Click on the link below to download a copy of the September 2012 CPSMA Newsletter. Newsletter : September 2012 Edition        Read More →

Gas Savings Competition

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The closing date for schools to register for the gas savings competition as part of the public procurement process is approaching fast. Schools should register on or before –Thursday, 18th October, 2012 to be included in the competition.  Click on the link below to register for GAS Procurement. This registration is closing at 5 pm […]Read More →

Gas Savings Competition

12th October 2012 | News

The closing date for schools to register for the gas savings competition as part of the public procurement process is approaching fast-Thursday, 18th October, 2012.   Read More →

Gas Savings Competition

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The closing date for schools to register for the gas savings competition as part of the public procurement process is approaching fast-Thursday, 18th October, 2012.    Big Savings in Electricity Procurement Significant savings, as much as 40% in some cases, have been experienced by schools who participated in the electricity procurement competition.   You can […]Read More →

CPSMA Submission to Joint Committee on Education & Social Protection

10th October 2012 | News

CPSMA has today appeared before the Joint Committee on Education and Social Protection in regard to the costs faced by parents when sending children back to school. CPSMA prepared a submisson for the Joint OIreachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection in this regard.  Click on the link below to download CPSMA’s submisson. CPSMA Submission […]Read More →

RCT Seminar Slides

4th October 2012 | News

<iframe src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”480″ height=”389″ allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>Read More →

NCSE Policy Advice Paper

3rd October 2012 | News

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has published a policy advice paper – The Education of Children with Challenging Behaviour arising from Severe Emotional Disturbance/Behavioural Disorders. Click on the link below to download the NCSE Policy Advice Paper.NCSE Policy Advice Paper: The Education of Children with Challenging Behaviour arising from Severe Emotional Disturbance/Behavioural Disorders.Read More →

Survey: Budget 2013

1st October 2012 | News

CPSMA is preparing a submission to the Government in relation to Budget 2013. Please indicate any issues or concerns you might have regarding Budget 2013. Please go to the survey tab below or click on the link to participate in our survey. Survey: Budget 2013  Read More →

National School Annual Census Return

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The National School Annual Census Return has been posted on the Department of Education and Skills website. Click on the link below to access the census returns form.     National School Annual Census Return  Read More →

Teacher Allocation Update – 28 September 2012

28th September 2012 | News

The DES has today issued an update regarding teacher allocations. The update relates to the final meeting in 2012 of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board and to schools who were required to hold open a vacancy until 26 October to facilitate redeployment of surplus permanent teachers in October. Teacher Allocations Update @ 28 September 2012Read More →

Cutting Costs for Parents when sending children back to school

24th September 2012 | News

CPSMA has been invited to appear before the Joint Committee on Education in regard to the costs faced by parents when sending children back to school. Please let us have your views.  Click on the link below to complete our survey. Survey: Cutting Costs for Parents when sending children back to schoolRead More →

Energy Saving Workshops

22nd September 2012 | News

CPSMA is taking bookings for the Energy Saving Workshops being organised by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and the Department of Education and Skills. Registration forms can be downloaded below and forwarded by e-mail to [email protected]. The deadline for returning completed registration forms is September 28th 2012. Learn to reduce your energy use & […]Read More →

Septic Tank Charges for Schools

20th September 2012 | News

Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Environment confirm that schools are not required to pay Septic Tank Charges. Following  to requests for clarification from CPSMA, both the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have today confirmed that schools in general  are not required to pay the “septic […]Read More →

Changes to Public Services Allowances

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Government has approved a number of measures relating to public service allowances for new beneficiaries.   In terms of the teaching profession, the impact of today’s Government decision will apply to new entrants only.  Teachers already in receipt of the allowances in question will not be affected.   The following are the main measures as they apply to teachers: […]Read More →

Changes to Public Services Allowances

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Government has approved a number of measures relating to public service allowances for new beneficiaries. In terms of the teaching profession, the impact of today’s Government decision will apply to new entrants only.  Teachers already in receipt of the allowances in question will not be affected. The following are the main measures as they apply […]Read More →

RCT – Additional Dublin Seminar

18th September 2012 | News

Due to demand, an additional RCT seminar will take place on Wednesday next September 26th in Moran’s Red Cow Hotel at 19.30 preceded by tea/coffee from 19:00. Applicants who have registered to date should assume that their venue is the Clarion Hotel unless they have been advised by e-mail that they are to transfer to […]Read More →

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