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General Secretary Post

18th February 2016 | What's New

CPSMA invites applications for the position of General Secretary. Please see https://www.tes.com/jobs/vacancy/general-secretary-ireland-393500       For full job specifications.Read More →

Seniority Circular 0015/2016

12th February 2016 | What's New

The Department of Education and Skills has published Circular 0015/2016, “Seniority of Teachers”. Click on the following link to access the circular: cl0015_2016  Read More →

The Protected Disclosures Act 2014

| What's New

The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (the ‘Act’) became law on 15th July 2014. The Act places a requirement on every public body (which includes schools) to establish and maintain procedures for the making of protected disclosures by workers who are, or were employed, by the public body and for dealing with such disclosures. The purpose […]Read More →

Board Finances and the Role of the Treasurer

5th February 2016 | Training, What's New

CPSMA will be delivering “Board Finances and the role of the Treasurer” in a number of locations in the First Term. This module is geared towards Chairpersons and Treasurers, but will also be of benefit to School Principals and other Board Members. Boards are invited to send at least two Board members to a venue […]Read More →

Update on forthcoming Statutory Vetting arrangements

1st February 2016 | What's New

The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has published an update in relation to Vetting requirements which sets out, inter alia, the following;   While the finalised timeline for commencement of the Vetting Act is not yet known, the Department is confirming to school authorities and registered teachers that Circular 0063/2010 will continue to apply at least […]Read More →

Staffing Schedule 2016/2017

| What's New

The Department of Education and Skills has published Circular 0007/2016, “Staffing arrangements in Primary Schools for the 2016/17 school year”.   Please click on the following link to access the Circular: Circular 0007/2016Read More →

Workshops for schools on Monitoring and Reporting energy use

11th January 2016 | What's New

Did you know that all Public Bodies, including schools, have a statutory obligation to monitor and report energy use? The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan to 2020 has set the Public Sector a target to improve energy efficiency by 33% and to lead by example. Public sector bodies, including school, are required to report annually […]Read More →

Earlier NCSE application date for SNA support and Resource Hours

22nd December 2015 | What's New

Earlier NCSE application date for SNA support and Resource Hours – 29th February 2016 The NCSE guidelines for primary and post primary schools for the 2016/2017 school year will be published on www.ncse.ie in early January. The keys dates will be: 18 January 2016 – deadline for return of the Confirmation of Leavers Forms.  The […]Read More →


21st December 2015 | What's New

The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has published an update in relation to Vetting requirements which sets out, inter alia, the following;   While the finalised timeline for commencement of the Vetting Act is not yet known, the Department is confirming to school authorities and registered teachers that Circular 0063/2010 will continue to apply at […]Read More →

CPSMA expresses concern regarding proposals by the Minister for Education & Skills on religious education

10th December 2015 | What's New

CPSMA expresses concern regarding proposals by the Minister for Education & Skills on religious education In response to the announcement by the Minister for Education & Skills Jan O’Sullivan, Father Tom Deenihan, General Secretary of the Catholic Primary School Management Association (CPSMA), said that while he was surprised by the Minister’s announcement regarding Rules 68 […]Read More →

ACE Ireland Seminar on January 23rd 2016

3rd December 2015 | What's New

ACE Ireland Seminar – 23rd January 2016 – Faith Informing Practice: Reflections on the Formation of Teachers for Catholic Schools.  Dr Roisín Coll from the University of Glasgow will be joining us on the day and leading us in a reflection on the essential elements for the formation of teachers for Catholic schools.  This afternoon session […]Read More →

Press Release : CPSMA encourages participation in NCCA consultation

5th November 2015 | What's New

Father Tom Deenihan, the General Secretary of CPSMA, said this afternoon that CPSMA would participate fully in the NCCA consultation in relation to Education about religions and beliefs and Ethics.   Father Deenihan said that it was important to note that this was the beginning of a consultation process and that no recommendations had yet been […]Read More →

Summer Works Scheme 2016 and 2017

18th October 2015 | What's New

The scheme announced under Budget 2016, will apply to both 2016 and 2017. Accordingly, a new call for proposals will not be sought in respect of 2017. Under  SWS 2016 and 2017, valid applications from schools that are not reached for funding reasons from within the funding made available in 2016 will qualify to be […]Read More →

Garda Vetting Update

14th October 2015 | What's New

  The Department of Education and Skills has published an update in relation to Garda Vetting on the Garda Vetting page of the Department’s website. The update reflects, inter alia, the following; While it is anticipated that the amendments to the Vetting Act will be brought forward during the current Dáil session, it is expected […]Read More →

*Important Information* Election of Parent Nominees to the Board of Management

2nd October 2015 | What's New

Election of Parent Nominees to the Board of Management To facilitate the process of electing Parent Nominees to the Board of Management, CPSMA has prepared a series of template letters that may be used at the different stages of Appendix B procedures, Options 1 and 2. Click Here to view the template letters   Please […]Read More →

New Boards of Management

17th September 2015 | What's New

The current term of a Board of Management will expire on 30/11/2015 and a new Board of Management will take up office on 01/12/2015.  The Department of Education and Skills has today published on its website “Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2015-2019” which publication is to be used by a school when forming its new […]Read More →

CPSMA Guidance in regard to payments to Independent Assessors

14th September 2015 | School Finance, What's New

CPSMA Guidance in regard to payments to Independent Assessors -August 2015 The following guidance is issued by CPSMA in regard to payments to assessors by Boards of Management of Schools. Please click the following link to access CPSMA Guidance Note on Assessors Pay – Revised RatesRead More →

NCSE update on applications for Resource Hours

27th August 2015 | What's New

The NCSE has received applications from schools for Resource Teaching hours for students with low incidence special educational needs, where the necessary supporting documentation was not available for the 18 March 2015 deadline. The NCSE expects that decisions in relation to the remaining applications, including applications under the Interim Scheme for allocation of Resource Hours […]Read More →

School Vaccination Programme 2015/2016

21st August 2015 | What's New

http://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Information/National-Emergencies-Public-Health-Issues/Information.htmlRead More →

Garda Vetting Update

29th July 2015 | What's New

Timeline for the commencement of the statutory requirements for Garda Vetting under the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act, 2012 (the “Vetting Act”) The Department has published an update on its website in relation to the above.  This includes clarifying the following: Until the Vetting Act is commenced, the existing vetting requirements of Circular […]Read More →

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Leagan Gaeilge