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Charities Act 2009 – Update on School Registration, 27th July 2015

28th July 2015 | School Finance, What's New

A meeting took place recently between the Department of Education and Skills and the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA).  It was agreed between both that the Department of Education and Skills would assist and support primary schools to complete their charity registration in a simplified manner. It is envisaged that this process would be significantly different […]Read More →

Primary Teacher Appointment and Reappointment Form [PTAF] 2015/2016

2nd July 2015 | What's New

The revised PTAF for appointments commencing in the new school year 2015/2016 is now available. Appointment-and-Re-Appointment-Form-Primary-Teachers-2015-2016Read More →

Panel Update 30th June 2015

30th June 2015 | What's New

The Department of Education and Skills has issued a Panel update. Please click on the links below for details: Panel Update 30 June 2015 Summary of Main Panel 30 -June-2015 Summary of Supplementary Panel 30-June-2015Read More →


25th June 2015 | What's New

Further to a meeting with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) today, the following is an update for primary schools with regard to the requirements of the  Charities Act 2009.   Schools will still be required to complete registration under the Charities Act 2009. The CRA will make initial contact with all schools as soon as […]Read More →

SNA Allocations 2015/2016

24th June 2015 | What's New

The Department of Education and Skills has advised that notification of Schools’ SNA allocations by NCSE will be slightly later than usual this year.The Department is currently working on finalising the allocations, but the process will not be completed this week (ending 26/06/2015).Once finalised, the allocations will be communicated to the NCSE without any unnecessary […]Read More →

Recruitment of SNAs: Supplementary Assignment Arrangements for the 2015/2016 School Year

12th June 2015 | What's New

  The Department of Education and Skills has published Circular 0041/2015, which outlines the supplementary assignment arrangements for Special Needs Assistants for the 2015/16 school year.   Click on the following link to access the circular: Recruitment-of-Special-Needs-Assistants-SNAs-Supplementary-Assignment-Arrangements-for-the-2015-16-school-yearRead More →

Panel Update 10th June 2015

11th June 2015 | What's New

The Department of Education and Skills has issued a Panel update. Please click on the links below for details: Panel Update 10 June 2015 Summary of Main Panel 10-June-2015 Summary of Supplementary Panel 10-June-2015Read More →

Panel Update Wednesday 27th May 2015

27th May 2015 | News, What's New

The Department of Education and Skills has issued a Panel update. Please click on the links below for details: Panel Update 27 May 2015 Number of Surplus Permanent Teachers on Main Panel on 27 May 2015 Number of teachers on Supplementary Panel 27 May 2015  Read More →

Primary Teacher Appointment and Reappointment Form [PTAF] 2015/2016

| What's New

The revised PTAF for appointments commencing in the new school year 2015/2016 is now available. Appointment-and-Re-Appointment-Form-Primary-Teachers-2015-2016Read More →

Form: Resource 2015/2016 Application for part-time Resource Teaching posts

26th May 2015 | What's New

Schools that are unable to access their NCSE approved resource hours from the network of full-time Resource base posts already allocated to either their school (if any) and to neighbouring schools, should complete and submit the following form to Primary Allocations Section. Application for Part time Resource Teaching Posts 2015-16 School-YearRead More →

St. Angela’s College Sligo and Ulster University Cross border Conference – Education and the Law-30th May 2015

22nd May 2015 | What's New

St. Angela’s College Sligo and Ulster University present Cross Border Conference – Education and the Law – Exploring legislation, litigation, approaches and strategies. Implications for School Management and Staff, Legal Practitioners and Teacher Education – Saturday May 30th 2015.   Please click here to download form and timetableRead More →

DES press release, announcing the pilot of the new SEN resource allocation model

| What's New

PRESS RELEASE 21st May, 2015  Minister for Education and Skills announces Pilot of New Model for Allocating Resource Teachers to Schools and increase in Resource Teaching Posts for September 2015Read More →

Primary Teacher Appointment and Re-Appointment Form [PTAF] 2015/2016

| What's New

Please note that the updated PTAF form for the 2015/2016 school year has yet to be finalised. Primary Payments have advised that schools should only use the updated form to notify the Department of Education & Skills of any appointment for the new school year.  Schools that submit the 2014/2015 appointment forms for 2015/2016 appointments, […]Read More →

Clarification on Circular 0023/2015 (Ward Report)

29th April 2015 | News, What's New

CPSMA has received the following clarification in relation to requirements on part of the Employer to terminate all fixed term contracts at the end of the 2014/2015 school year – Circular 0023/2015 – Implementation of the Recommendations of the Expert Group on Fixed-Term and Part-Time Employment in Primary and Second Level Education in Ireland.   […]Read More →

Charities Act Update

21st April 2015 | School Finance, What's New

Friday 17 April 2015 –  Minister Fitzgerald extends deadline for charities to register with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) Charities established before the 16th of October 2014 now have until the 16th of April 2016 to apply to be included in the Register of Charities Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms Frances Fitzgerald, TD, on […]Read More →

POD – Fair Processing Notice April 2015

17th April 2015 | What's New

Fair Processing Notice to explain how the personal data of pupils in primary schools on the Primary Online Database (POD) will be recorded, processed and shared.Read More →

Mary Immaculate College “Education In Crisis” Conference

16th April 2015 | What's New

This Conference will explore resources both inside and outside the Christian tradition that can help in countering what are perceived as increasingly instrumentalist and politicised educational systems dominated by short-term thinking. Marking the fiftieth anniversary of Gravissimun Educationis, and twenty-fifth anniversary of Ex Corde Ecclesiae the 2015 McAuley Conference will consider the resourses that exist […]Read More →

Teacher Allocations & Staffing

14th April 2015 | What's New

DES UPDATE : http://www.education.ie/en/Schools-Colleges/Services/Teacher-Allocations-Staffing/Teacher-Allocation-and-Staffing.html  Read More →

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Leagan Gaeilge