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BOM 2019-2023 New Governance Manual & Parent Nomination/Election Templates

30th September 2019 | News, What's New

The new Board of Management 2019-2023 Governance Manual has been issued for the new board term. Template letters for the nomination/election of parent nominees have been updated by CPSMA in line with the new Governance Manual. Links to both are available for members below. Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2019-2023 CPSMA Template Letters for nomination/election […]Read More →

Catholic Schools Week 2020

16th September 2019 | News, What's New

Catholic Schools Week 2020 will be held this coming January from Sunday 26 January to Sunday 2 February. There will also be, as is now well established, a November moment. The November and January resources for schools will be available online shortly and can be downloaded from the Catholic Schools Partnership site. Hardcopy Posters and […]Read More →

NABMSE Behaviour Support Training In September.

17th July 2019 | News, What's New

Dear Member NABMSE are organising Behaviour Support training in co-operation with IPPN and NAPD in three venues this September. This training will address and offer practical solutions to the professional, legal and ethical issues in relation to supporting pupils/students who have behaviours of concern. The training will be provided by Martha Mc Ginn of the […]Read More →

Symposium on Small Schools – 26th June 2019

27th June 2019 | News, What's New

CPSMA represented our member schools at the recent Symposium on Small Schools, held on Wednesday 26th June 2019. The Symposium was attended by the Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh T.D., and also the Minister for Community and Rural Development, Michael Ring T.D. The recent press release from the Department of Education and Skills […]Read More →

Vacancy – Development and Training Executive

20th June 2019 | News, What's New

CPSMA invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Development and Training Executive. For further information, job specification and method of application please click on the links below: Job specification – Development and Training Executive Application Form – CPSMA Development and Training Executive Closing date and time: 5pm, Monday 8th July, […]Read More →

World Communications Day 2019

30th May 2019 | News, What's New

World Communications Day is a worldwide celebration originally promoted in 1963, during the Second Vatican Council, with the publication of Inter Mirifica (Amongst the Wonderful) on the media of social communications.  WCD is marked annually on the Sunday before Pentecost Sunday, Ascension Sunday, which this year falls on 2 June.  The full text of the […]Read More →

Teacher Supply Newsletter

28th May 2019 | News, What's New

The Department of Education and Skills recently published the Teacher Supply Newsletter at the National Consultative Forum on Teacher Supply meeting, held last week. The newsletter may be accessed from www.gov.ie/teachingtransforms Furthermore, a dedicated landing page has been developed for use by those looking for more information on teaching in Ireland.  The landing page can […]Read More →

Teacher Supply National Consultative Forum Meeting

24th May 2019 | News, What's New

CPSMA was represented at the Teacher Supply National Consultative Forum recently by General Secretary, Seamus Mulconry and Education Advisor, Paul O’Donnell. The Forum was organised jointly by the Teaching Council and the Department of Education and Skills (DES).The purpose of the meeting was to update stakeholders from the primary, secondary and third level institutions on […]Read More →

Afternoon of Reflection for Teachers and School Leaders – Donamon Castle, Thursday 22nd August 2019.

20th May 2019 | News, What's New

A  group of people in the Elphin Diocese has come together to plan a retreat for teachers and school leaders.   It has been agreed to organise an Afternoon of Reflection for Teachers and School Leaders in Donamon Castle on Thursday 22nd August from 11 am to 4.30 pm. The organisers are very appreciative of […]Read More →

DCU vacancy – Assistant Professor in Religious Education

13th May 2019 | News, What's New

DCU has a vacancy advertised for an Assistant Professor of Religious Education (Primary). The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 17th May 2019. The focus of the role is preparing teachers who might like to teach in a Catholic school and specifically the religious education component of their studies. Further details may be […]Read More →

Interested in becoming a Primary Inspector with the Department of Education and Skills?

10th May 2019 | News, What's New

Interested in becoming a Primary Inspector with the Department of Education and Skills? The Public Appointments Service launched a recruitment competition for Primary Inspectors on 10 May. The closing date for applications is 30 May 2019 at 3PM. Full details available on www.publicjobs.ie   An bhfuil suim agat a bheith i do chigire bunscoile leis […]Read More →

Child Protection Seminars for Boards of Management

25th February 2019 | News, Training, What's New

As a follow up to our Spring 2018 Child Protection training events, CPSMA will be delivering a series of Child Protection seminars at the six venues listed below. As the majority of schools will be reviewing their Child Safeguarding Statement in the coming weeks, this training will serve as a reminder to Boards of their […]Read More →

CPSMA Art Competition 2019

4th February 2019 | News, What's New

CPSMA would like to invite schools to participate in a national art competition with the theme: Celebrating local Catholic Schools  CPSMA Art Competition 2019 Entry Form Art Competition 2019Read More →

Catholic Schools Week 2019

28th January 2019 | News, What's New

Catholic Schools Week 2019 began yesterday and will run until next Sunday 3 February on the theme ‘Catholic Schools: Celebrating the Work of Our Local Catholic Schools’. During Catholic Schools Week families, parishes and schools, North and South, are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic schools and on their contribution to […]Read More →

CPSMA regret the passing of Reverend Father Gerard McNamara

11th January 2019 | News, What's New

The Board and Secretariat of CPSMA would like to express our condolences to the family and friends of our former General Secretary, Fr Gerard McNamara, who was laid to rest this afternoon. CPSMA extends our sympathies also to the bishops and priests of the Diocese of Limerick, and to the parishioners of Bulgaden-Martinstown parish on […]Read More →

CPSMA represented at Primary Education Forum

20th December 2018 | News, What's New

CPSMA were represented at today’s Primary Education Forum meeting by Education Advisors Fergal Kelly, Paul O’Donnell and Susan Carpenter. The Forum welcomed Minster McHugh’s announcement to re-schedule the introduction of the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum and also, the development of Regulations of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018. Minister McHugh listened to, and demonstrated […]Read More →

CPSMA meeting with Minister McHugh

3rd December 2018 | News, What's New

CPSMA meeting with Minster McHugh – 28th November 2018. On Wednesday 28th November 2018, CPSMA met with Minister McHugh, his advisor and Departmental officials. The meeting was positive. Minister McHugh was well briefed and interested in primary education. He is clearly listening to the concerns of Boards of Management, principals, teachers, parents and pupils. The […]Read More →

Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection Briefing Seminars

27th November 2018 | News, What's New

The Department of Education and Skills Inspectorate have informed us that a series of information sessions on the Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection model is being organised for school principals at the following Education Centres in January and February 2019.   * Athlone Education Centre:                    Monday, 21st January * Blackrock Education Centre:                Tuesday, 22nd January […]Read More →

Circular 70/2018 – New Leadership & Management Circular

15th November 2018 | News, What's New

The Department of Education and Skills have published circular 70/2018, a new Leadership and Management Circular for primary school. The circular may be accessed by clicking on this link.Read More →

CPSMA submission to NCSE – November 2018

13th November 2018 | News, What's New

CPSMA has recently made a submission to the National Council for Special Education in relation to the powers of the Minister for Education and Skills to compel a school to open a special class. The submission may be accessed by clicking on the link below: CPSMA submission for NCSE – selection of a school for special […]Read More →

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Leagan Gaeilge