Catholic Schools

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Catholic primary schools are inclusive schools rooted in local parish communities where they form a central part of everyday life. Committed to the development of the whole person, they hand on Christian values and a shared Irish culture to the next generation. Parents, teachers and parishes work together in providing a child-centred education which includes preparation for the sacraments. Boards of management manage the school on behalf of the Patron, generally the Bishop of the relevant Diocese in which the school is situated.

Catholic schools are also regulated by the Department of Education and Skills through the national curriculum. The schools teach all aspects of the curriculum and are committed to a quality education built on the professionalism of teachers and other staff. Parents and other members of local communities have made significant financial and other contributions to these schools over many generations.

There are Catholic schools in almost every country in the world. Catholic schools place a high value on academic excellence, integration and the promotion of respect for diversity. Children from various backgrounds are welcomed into Catholic schools, where respect for people of all faiths and none is an important part of the ethos of the school.


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Leagan Gaeilge