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Electricity Contracts

22nd November 2013 | News

The National Procurement Service (NPS) recently ran a procurement competition on behalf of 1,870 primary/post-primary schools (1100 CPSMA members). The results of this competition indicate that the majority of these schools can achieve significant electricity savings over the next two years.

The NPS has sent contracts and supporting information to each school included in the competition from the following e-mail address:

Boards of Management (BoMs’) are now advised to check their e-mail system for an e-mail from [email protected] as it contains a copy of the proposed contract (one page/double sided) and important supporting information such as unit rates (cent/kWh), standing charge etc. Analysis will also be provided on the potential savings/cost reductions arising from the NPS competition against current supply costs.

Boards of Management should note that competition rates are confidential and commercially sensitive and must not be divulged to a third party.

What do schools now do?

Each BoM should review the pricing options. It should be noted that there has been an increase in electricity rates since October 1st 2013. For the purposes of comparing rates, it is important that a bill for the period post October 1st 2013 is used.

If the Board wishes to proceed with contract, it should print, complete, sign and return hard copy of contract on/before December 4th to:

National Procurement Service,

C/O Kenneth Shanley,

Office of Public Works Head Office,

Jonathan Swift Street,


Co. Meath.

Contracts will commence on January 1st2014. These contracts will operate for a two year period. The winning suppliers may be in contact with schools for a meter reading. The NPS provided a guide to reading meters as part of its previous e-mail to each school.

Queries in regard to this information should be directed to the NPS using [email protected]

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Leagan Gaeilge