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Electricity Savings Update

17th October 2012 | News

National Procurement Service (NPS) has advised CPSMA that unsigned contracts
(issued by e-mail on June 13th 2012) to schools participating in
Competition 1 are no longer being accepted by the electricity suppliers due to delay
in returning signed contracts by some schools and changes in market conditions.


number of these schools will benefit in any event due to:


1.  Review of Standing Charge.

2.  Review of Tariff.

3.  On-site modification of meter(s) to counter
negative power surges [The Power Factor Surcharge]

4.  Review of ‘Maximum Input Capacity’ i.e.
correction of anticipated demand on the national grid on connection.

5.  Review of overcharging/undercharging on current

6.  Review of incorrect or [in some cases] no meter
readings for a considerable period of time.


schools that registered through the CPSMA website will be included in the next
competition. NPS will advise us in due course when this competition will take

in relation to electricity savings should be sent to
[email protected]

To learn more about procurement and register online if you have not already done so click here.

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Leagan Gaeilge