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SEAI Public Sector Reporting

16th December 2014 | SEAI Slider

Did you know that all Public Bodies, including schools, have a statutory obligation to monitor and report energy use?


The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan to 2020 has set the Public Sector a target to improve energy efficiency by 33% and to lead by example. Public sector bodies are required to report annually on their energy usage and actions taken to reduce consumption in accordance with Statutory Instrument 426 of 2014. These regulations transpose the Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive 2012/27/EU) into Irish law.


How will schools monitor and report?

SEAI and the Department of Communications Energy & Natural Resources have developed an on-line energy Monitoring and Reporting (M&R) system to help public sector organisations, including schools, track their progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency target. The target for improved energy efficiency for the schools sector in aggregate is 33%. Each school is expected to contribute towards this. The M&R system tracks each school’s contribution, by expressing its performance with respect to a 33% improvement by 2020.


Benefits of reporting

As well as enabling you to report and track your school’s energy data annually, the online system provides you with:

  • Online access to your annual electricity and natural gas consumption data
  • Optionally, allows you to share relevant data with the Office of Government Procurement’s energy procurement framework.
  • A scorecard that presents a powerful snapshot of the school’s progress to date.

When will this happen?

  • Each school will receive notification and details of how to log in to the system during December 2014 and can begin to report from this point.
  • The deadline for submitting certain aspects of your data is the 27th February 2015.
  • The remainder of the report needs to be completed by 29th May 2015.


Supports available to schools

SEAI have developed a workbook, on-line videos and guidance to assist schools in reporting, which are available in the Schools section here

Register for a free training workshop

It is anticipated that most schools will be able to complete their report using the workbook, on-line videos and guidance available at There will also be free training workshops for schools on the reporting system in January 2015 which will be arranged by the CPSMA and will be open to all schools primary and post-primary (limited availability, preference will be given to larger schools or schools with more complex profiles such as multiple meters or shared premises).


Dates and venues

How to book a place


For more details on Monitoring and Reporting go to:

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