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8th July 2013 | Panel

SNA Supplementary Assignment Panel

The DES has issued Circular 0044/2014 Recruitment of Special Needs Assistants – Supplementary Assignment Arrangements for the 2014/15 School Year. All details relating to the working of the Supplementary Assignment Arrangements are contained within the circular. Schools should provide a SNA who is being made redundant with a
completed copy of Panel Form 1 (PF1) which is contained in the
circular. Circular 0044/2014 supersedes Circular 0037/2013.  Schools should continue to fill out the RP50  and SNA Red 1 forms for SNAs who qualify for redundancy payments and return same to DES. The SNA Red1 form and the RP50 are appended to Circular 0058/2006.

Circular 0044/2013 Recruitment of Special Needs Assistants – Supplementary Assignment Arrangements for the 2014/15 School Year

FAQ SNA Panel 2014/15

RP50 (Blank)

RP50 (sample)

SNA Red1 Form

Circular 0058/2006

Circular 0059/2006

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Leagan Gaeilge