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Teaching Council Registration Renewals

9th April 2014 | News

The Teaching Council has advised a significant number of teachers have failed to renew their registration.

Boards of Management should advise teachers that failure to renew
registration will mean their registration will lapse. This will have implications for payment of such teachers. Circular 0025/2013 and
Circular 0052/2013 should be brought to the attention of all teachers. Click on the links below to download Circular 0025/2013 and
Circular 0052/2013.

Teachers who fail to renew their registration by their registration date will receive a final notice via registered letter. As of 08 April 2014, 2,574 teachers are receiving this letter. Failure to renew registration within one month of the date of the registered letter will mean Teaching Council Registration will lapse with all the implications that this will carry for the pay of those in employment.

Teachers intending to retire at the end of this school year must also renew their registration at this time to maintain salary until the end of the school year.

Circular 0052/2013: Procedures on Commencement of Section 30 in Recognised Schools

Circular 0025/2013: Requirement For Teachers in Recognised Schools to Register with the Teaching Council: Commencement of Section 30 on 1 November 2013

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Leagan Gaeilge