Weather Warning Notice
11th January 2017 | What's New
The National Co-Ordinating Group on Severe Weather has asked all Departments and agencies to issue a reminder that snow is forecast over the coming days.
Temperatures will begin to drop from tomorrow evening in Ulster and Connaught and snow is forecast. By 06:00 Thursday it is likely that there will have been significant snowfall in the North West and West of the country, with the possibility of some snowfall in the East and South West. Temperatures will remain low until Sunday.
The forecast for next week indicates that Atlantic weather systems will prevent severe cold fronts from affecting Ireland, the outlook is uncertain and there is a possibility of a return to low temperatures and snowfall during next week. At the moment Met Éireann envisage issuing a YELLOW warning for snowfall in most areas affected with the possibility of an ORANGE warning for Northern areas and higher ground.
The DES has requested that we remind schools to be vigilant and take all necessary precautions in the event of a severe weather forecast or severe weather affecting their region/s. School management should pay attention to weather forecasts and alerts from Met Eireann, as well as any warnings or notices from their Local Authorites, Civil Defence, Gardai or other principal response agencies. The Department’s advice to schools and to parents is accessible from the home page of the Department’s website, at the following link: